Sunday, March 4

A Whole Lot of Lists!!!

I admittedly suffer from OCD in terms of rigid organisation and list-making! I'm no Sheldon Cooper with my 3 knocks on everyones door, but even as I sit here typing with a bowl of cheesers beside me, I've been made aware of the 'eating system' I employ... Cheeser, finger wipe, type.... and so on!
I find my whole world falls apart if I haven't planned my days or if my routine is broken in any way. If I have an unexpected day, say a lecture finishes early, I miss a bus (which I rarely do thanks to the Dublin Bus App, although its still often wrong and causes a bus-miss which is out of my control... sorry rant over... that's for another day) I waste my time, probably taking ridiculously long lie-ins and eating badly and not getting things done that I have to do. This may seem like not the worst thing in the world, but believe me, the guilt and self disappointment that sets in at the end of a wasted day is inexplicable. This becomes even more of a problem when I let things that other people have to do become responsibilities of mine. Honorary responsibilities if you will! These just add to the stress by no fault of... well anyone!

If I have a day off coming up, I'll make myself a nice long list, usually timetabled, of things I need to do, buy or start/finish. This may seem normal enough, but its the execution of this list in order of appearance and the strict 'checking off' of the completed items that makes me feel so relaxed and at peace.
Unfollowing and deleting my contact yet?? Fortunately for everyone I know, I don't let this interfere with or overspill onto other people. Mind you I have tried to organize people, making them lists like me, but it failed miserably. Living life Listlessly seems so crazy to me, I wouldn't remember to do anything and I'd constantly find myself double-booking my time and forgetting/missing deadlines. Therefore, is my compulsion such a bad thing, if it prevents all these catastrophic eventualities for me? Why is OCD seen as such a negative thing? So what I clean every inch of my bedroom for fun and relaxation and won't rest until every surface is dusted/hoovered/cleaned? I've seen or heard of worse...

OH NO! I've reached the end of my bowl of cheesers, and I didn't enjoy the last cheeser like the last of any crisp should be enjoyed and savoured.... one moment please....
*runs to press for a refill*

PHEW! The eating system may continue!
Unfortunately I've reached the end of my rant/discussion. I just think its something that people see as such a bad thing, but why can't it be seen as a positive thing? I'm a neat, tidy and organized person because of it! :)


BTW: How awesome is Sheldon??? BAZINGA!

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