Yes it's a good day, how can anything go wrong?? :)
Hey All,How ya doooo-ennn?
I had such a productive morning and afternoon that I thought ... why not dust off the aul keys and pop up a blog about how good a day it was. Let's face it, there's been nothing else to blog about!
So I like to do a little spring cleaning once a week.. Generally a Wednesday as that's my day off, but I'm off all week for Easter so I felt that cleaning muscle tingle and had to pull out the hoover. Most weeks I'll only hoover, empty the bin and bring down the washing but every so often something special happens and I decide to go all out, dusting and 'eeerything'!!!
to anyone still reading... I praise you and thank you sincerely. I admire you're patience as I babble on about cleaning... ugh I'm truly ridiculous!
Several episodes of Friends later, the place was spick and span and I had struck gold. I had compleeeetely forgotten about all the wonderful soaps and suds I'd got and not opened yet and it was like Christmas morning all over again. I high-tailed it to the bathroom and dumped all the bottles that had the teeny-tiniest bit left and replaced them with brand spanking new delicious smelling ones. :) eeeeek!
Needless to say, I made a beeline for the shower after 'Ousting' the bejaysus outta my room. As most girls will know, it's just the bees knees feeling when you get a chance to pamper yourself... you know, shave, condition over and over, moisturize, bitta tan, bitta nail polish. Ya feel just swell!
Well I did it all, and I have to say, it was an hour well spent :P
Next thing I faced was not as fun.... college work... DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!
I had very efficiently made a list of all the deadlines I have to meet before I get to kiss college goodbye for the summer.... MAY 12TH people!!! There will be smiles, alcohol and many happy blogs!
But before I get carried away- I had 3... yes THREE history essays to do.... cumulatively 10000 words... bleughhhh! (not to mention having to finish reading a book first)
But I have the house to myself, a lovely mug of tea and a comfy recliner. My laptop is being a doll and I'm totes making good progress! Here's hoping the motivation rides on for the rest of the week... at least!
HAHA, I pause to re-read and remember that this was meant to be a 'quickie' to try and revive the non-history side of my brain!
All in all its been a good day... can't complain... so wont!
Hope all you lovely people are also enjoying the day!
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