Monday, June 13

Is Love Blind?

I don’t usually watch TV, I’m more of a watch TV series online kinda girl... but while babysitting I flicked on Dating in the Dark and it got me thinking... while it tries to prove matches can be made without the physical attraction it all ultimately comes down to what they think of each other when they see each other.

I’d be a true believer that you can fall in love with someone’s personality and the physical attraction comes later. I wouldn’t consider myself a superficial person. Anyone who knows the line up of guys I’ve had the ‘hots’ for in the past, would ask “What the f*** is your type?
It got me thinking... what IS my type? I put together a little ahem list of qualities that I find ‘desirable’ in the optimum partner:



*Rugged :P


*Enjoys being lazy every now and again


*LOTS in common with me



*Lets me in



*Likes Cuddles & Hugs

*Good Listener/Attentive




*Tolerant of my CRAZINESS/Weirdness/Strange ways – Maybe its shorter to say likes me for me!

*Enjoys my company/Wants to spend time with me


*Romantic (but not just for show :P )


So there are the ‘Job Requirements’ :P
What do you think? He out there?

Ever the Optimist,


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