Wednesday, June 8

It's the Truth... It sure ain't Ugly!

Anyone seen the movie: 'The Ugly Truth' ..

*If Yes... continue reading
*If No... see link for synopsis:

So, I watched it and I cringed at Abby's inability to be flirty, charming and, well downright socially cool. Unfortunately, most of my cringing was in fact empathy... I would be the very same. I AM the very same! I put men on pedastals, I get super shy and cant think of a single thing to say. Usually no one can get me to shut up. I'm usually fine ON dates, but its securing the dates that trips me up... BIGTIME!
Thankfully I too have a "Mick" to give me tips and help me along with my "Colins".... and while this is great... being spoonfed a conversation starter or clever response leaves me feeling even more incompetent and less self assured than before I started.
There must be some trick! I highly doubt every single girl out there has a background assistant, a flirting guru or even a socially-inept friend whispering into their ear. There must be a way to learn how to flirt, or know what and what not to say...
Sadly, I can only relate to Abby, and get all tongue tied and embarrassed while trying to talk and act cool... I'm like a female version of Raj from the Big Bang Theory...

I mean I can talk to most guys... I'm very rarely cool but I've always used humour as a kind of social shield..... Im sure I dont need to keep going on, I'd say by now most of you are well convinced of my awkwardness :P
But recently, there's been a new interest, a new 'Colin' and well... I have never been more nervous, clammy, shy, embarrassed and speechless in front of someone.... AND I WAS ONLY TALKING TO HIM ON FACEBOOK!

Although I could relate to Abby and watched her learn from Mick and get Colin etc... at the end of the day she ends up with Mick who likes her for who she really is.... so... Im no mathematician... but that would logically suggest someone will like how socially awkward I am and find me....? I know I need a guy who can coax me out of the social coma i fall into when i need to communicate with attractive men :P

Seems highly unlikely.. but sure... we'll see!


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