Wednesday, November 23

Mr. Dublin Bus's 'Believe it or Not'

I get the bus to college most mornings and home again most evenings. It has lead me to bear witness to the most unusual and shocking and funny events. Just thought I'd share a few.
On days when I happen to be iPod-less (sniff sniff) I always end up being amused in other ways......

This one time on Dublin Bus.... a teenage girl got on and sat in the priority seat. now thats all fine when its not needed, but then at the next stop a disabled person got on the bus, and went towards the priority seat, fully expecting to get offered it. but NO, the girl stubbornly sat there, ignoring him for the whole journey, while everyone else on the bus (I'm sure) sat staring in disgust!!
This one time on Dublin Bus....a guy and gal sat down behind me and i encountered the most blatant flirting in the world. the lad was boasting to this lassy how awesome he is at betting. he explained how he bets on American Football, a sport I happen to know a good bit about... a hell of a lot more than this particular sir.  Listening to someone explain a sport that they have no clue about , to someone who also has no clue about it, is something i can only describe as HILARIOUS, i was just short of turning around and correcting him... but I'm no cock-blocker :P
This one time on Dublin Bus.... i was waiting to get off at my stop and this gangster-clad guy stood infront of me. his ear plugs were in and i assumed (a bad idea i know) that he was listening to heavy metal or rap... but nope... on closer listening... it was infact ADELE's 'Someone Like You'!!! You cant make this stuff up :P

There are oh so many  more stories.... 
Share yours in my comment space below!!


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