I know people say you can get them somewhere no one can see... but then ... WHATS THE POINT?
I do like the idea of having a tattoo though... despite all of the above rambling! There are 3 spots on my body where I would like them....
- The side of the back of my neck
- My Ankle
- The upside of my wrist.
As far as design ideas go, I only know 2 things for definite:
- Has to be meaningful
- Not in colour... I just prefer plain black
Tastefully done, and inconspicous would also be my main concerns.
If i were to get something like a heart, it would have to be a hollowed one, (see above) and again, small and decorative. It would probably go on my wrist. I also know for definite that I want a music note..... this is both symbolic and simple. It denotes how much I love music, singing and how music is basically my whole life... cheers me up, makes me sad, makes me want to dance, inspires me to sing and compose! It ultimately makes my day no matter what kind of day I'm having! It would go on my neck.
Havent the slightest idea what I'd put on my ankle, i always thought the music note would be nice there, like music in my step.. but you never know.... Its all very up in the air, and could very well stay there :P