Nothing gets a point across like an appropriate picture of a baby, eh?
Admittedly an idea I 'borrowed' from a great blog that I follow called 'Think What You Like' .... go read it... NOW! (link at the bottom so you finish reading mine first ;) )
There are alot of things that piss me off daily but recently there are 2 or 3 competitors for the position as "Most Piss Off-able Thing Ever"...
When You Forget About A Cup of Tea and It Goes Cold
When your laptop charger will only charge if held in a particular position
Having 20 min battery life on your laptop and a whole lecture to sit through and a new episode of HIMYM to watch!
Crumbs in your bed
Being the only one in your house expected to answer the phone of doorbell (to the point that others will ignore it knowing your OCD self wont let it ring out)
Eating the last crisp without realising and not enjoying it as much as the last crisp deserves
Not having anything nice to nibble on in the ENTIRE house
Having parents that hide anything nice to nibble on in the house
Phew! Ok I'll Stop. May be several 'editions' of this blog to come, as the list grows... as I'm sure it will.
Credit for the idea/inspiration goes to http://thinkwhatyoulike.wordpress.com/
Now go read that!!! :D
A Little Less Irritated,
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