It became apparent to me a few days ago that the 'Student Look' is only really acceptable in and around the college campus. Picture this: Should you take a student out of their natural habitat and place them in say, a fancy restaurant, we all of a sudden look disheveled lazy and unkempt. however, place us right back in the student union and we blend in nicely, and look somewhat stylish.
(everyone's the same ^^^ )
I always dress for comfort over any other factor. While I still take pride in my appearance, my outfit decision always ultimately surrenders to the comfiness! Having gone to an all girls secondary school I never felt it necessary to impress people with my appearance, so i never wore make up to school. As a result of this, I feel a lot more confident leaving the house without make up on, no matter where I'm going or who I'm going to see. don't get me wrong I still LOVE slapping on some foundation and getting all glamorous from time to time, but I know for some, not wearing makeup on a day to day basis, is a major 'no-no'.I wouldn't say that I'm a self conscious person, not when it comes to my body or appearance, but this is not to say that I don't sometimes like or need the odd compliment to make me feel pretty or that I don't get jealous of other girls that are clearly prettier or sexier.
At the end of the day, all I care about is my comfort. I have the ability to 'clean up' well when the occasion requires it, but I ain't afraid to go out 'unmasked'. In fact my skin is an awful lot clearer for it. I recommend it! :)