Wednesday, August 10

A 'Bake' Thank You :)

Wednesday 10th August 2011, the day I checked my blog and the viewership had reached its first 1000!!!!!
I cant begin to imagine what keeps everyone interested, but I am so appreciative of all the support. It means so much that so many people take the time to read what I have to say!
To mark the occassion I decided to bake a 1000 shaped cake.... its super yummy!!
My inspiration for blogging is hazy, there have been a number of influences on my style and my topics.. but all the feelings shared and opinions discussed are my own... Lots goes on in this noggin of mine!

My blog titles are, where possible, twisted song lyrics as appropriate, so I obviously don't claim them as my own work and this copyright borrowing also extends to the photos I use, compliments of Google!

I'll keep writing whether people read it or not, but its an unbelievable bonus to know you all spare some time to take a peep!

Sincerely humbled and appreciative,


Sunday, August 7

These are a Few of My Favourite Things....♫

Been SUPER busy recently between work and spending quality time with the Better Half I haven't been online that much. But I thought I'd make a quickie post, to keep everyone interested.... A list of my Top 10 favourite things right now......

  1. Chicago Town Pizza
  2. Cheese Puffs
  3. Franklin & Bash
  4. Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs
  5. Big Floppy Sunhats
  6. Bright Orange/Yellow Nail polish
  7. Pay Day
  8. Booking a Sun Holiday
  9. Cuddles
  10. Nesquik Chocolate Milk.... boy it takes me back :P

Happier than Ever,